Wednesday 26 November 2014



Design is everywhere you look shaping our world every single day . Every man made object we touch is designed and redesign to make it fit our needs Its a proses of solving problems and developing solutions. We as humans always try to make our life easier and search solutions for every problem. Example: Tools, vehicles, Structures .The process starts from a simple idea and that is develops into a product.With help of new technology and other deicovered materials same designs of early inveted products continue to evolve during the years into a better quality and better materials.

The Orders of architecture 

The Architectural orders are three key important aspects in the history of construction and style of building. They are the building blocks in which the Greek used in their architecture and we continue to use today.  Each well-know and most readily recognizable by the type of column design . I made some research online as I wanted to know better about the three Orders. Architecture is like a different language not recognized verbally, but recognized   visually. Different cultures evolved different styles  and by learning about it you start seeing it everywhere and identifying it . As we use the same expect in different order architecture .As I was making the research and watched different documentaries about the Orders I learned that there is more that three orders and that there is a much older order used by prehistoric people in the construction of the temples its  called the Architrave /Post and beam or post and lintel Architecture ,A very simple and effective construction technique where a horizontal member is supported by two vertical posts at either side. The technique is still used today and that’s what the Greeks where doing  but in a more refined way.

I divided the three Orders separately to explain in detail about the orders and the way they where constructed and how we still used the same ideas in the modern architecture.

The Doric Order
 The Doric order began in the seventh centaury in the main land in Greece. It is a type of column that stood on a flat surface of a structure or a temple without a base .The column had 20 vertical concaved grooves.The design of the colums followed rules of harmony since the original design originated form wooden temples. The Doric is the oldest and most sever and was associated with Roma architecture. It has a steady masculine form.

The Ionic Order
The Ionic order as a much different style that the doric its more feminized and has a sens of delicacy t doesn’t have a sense of mass .Its taller and thnner and have different design on the top that are called velutes.

The Corinthian Order

The Corinthian is the most different and most decorative than the other two.It has leave like shapes and are aswell tall.The chorinthian has a mith of the origin of the style of the leafs of the colum.The story is about a girl that died and the possession where places in a basket and put on top of here grave. Underneath here basket there was a acanthus plant that gstarted to grow and because of the wieight of the basket the leaves sproted for the sides leaving the idea of the design ..

Classical Orders of Architecture . 2014. Classical Orders of Architecture . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 2014].

Greek Columns - Ancient Greece for Kids. 2014. Greek Columns - Ancient Greece for Kids. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 2014].

The Classical Orders - YouTube. 2014. The Classical Orders - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 2014].

Mythologicaladventure - PERIOD 2 Ancient Greek Culture and Society. 2014. mythologicaladventure - PERIOD 2 Ancient Greek Culture and Society. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 November 2014].

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